rinki nandy - Cigarette

2014-11-10 1


i put you to my lips like i want to kiss you,
your smoke fills my mouth with ease,
like i had longed for a smoke filled mouth,
with every pull you make me feel happy,
you fit between my fingers without feel,
like a feather to die in a smoke,
you die with every pull and take seconds away from my life,
you kill me silently while you commit to death secretly,
you live as long as i don't kiss you,
you disappear in a smoke and take few minutes from my life,
i wonder if you deserved the attention? ,
are you an excuse for the tension? ,
my end would come eventually,
i would kiss no more eventually,
meaningless words which don't matter eventually,
for i am and remain a smoker candidly.

rinki nandy
