Patti Masterman - Zero Point

2014-11-10 0

Life doesn't determine randomly everything that happens to us
There is a sanctuary, far past the outer spaces we can barely detect
Past the galaxies and the far flung quasars
There's a long hallway where the sounds fade away
To a dull roar, and the universal computers blink and hum
Older than the waves of time always rolling by overhead
A dim peace reins there, as the worldly cogs stop and then go again
Where there is no grief, horror or outrage
Everything has been assigned it's place and moment
In the track of time all things happening as they should
Never early, never late, but just at the right moment
No earthly timescale could ever accomplish this level of cooperation
Between the very fabric of time and space, and the matter
Arising from the perfect balance of nothingness and all that is
Beauty and ugliness, merely a matter of degree once you see
The vast ballet of particles and rotations, and the gestation
Of the many universes, all bubbling up from the same seed
Whirling themselves in and out of being,
At the zero point of potency.

Patti Masterman