Anonymous Americas - When Christ Was Born Of Mary Fre

2014-11-10 10

Christo paremus canticam,
In excelsis gloria.

When Cryst was born of Mary fre
In Bedlem in that fayre cyté,
Angellis songen with myrth and gle:
In excelsis gloria.

Herdmen beheld thes angellis bryght,
To hem apperyd wyth gret lyght,
And seyd: 'Goddys Sone is born this nyght;
In excelsis gloria.'

A king ys comyn to save kynde,
In the Scriptur as we fynde;
Therfore this song have we in mynde:
In excelsis gloria.

Then, Lord, for thy gret grace,
Graunt us in blys to se thy face,
Where we may syng to the solas:
In excelsis gloria.

Anonymous Americas

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