James Bredin - NO POWER TO THE PEOPLE MAR 4TH,2011

2014-11-10 0

If more people read this blog, they would eventually realize,
That things are not all right in Canada despite our huge size,
We need binding referendums and political recall,
We need true set-date elections and not and not just when they call.

We need death with dignity because we are all going to die,
It could be an awful painful death and we don’t know the reason why,
Our wishy washy leadership see no reason to change,
No power to the people and why should that be so strange?

It’s uncomfortable I know because there’s nothing we can do,
Because all these changes are forbidden in case you didn’t know,
Read your daily papers and they will tell you what to think,
Propaganda of the faithful going to the hockey rink,

Mar 4th,2011

James Bredin
