'OH, love me! love me!'
The sea-maid sings ori the pebbly shore—
'Love me! oh, love me!'
The tears they gather, the tears run o'er;
She looks to the sea, she looks to the hill,
But no one comes, and the night is still—
'Oh, love me! love me!'
'Oh, love me I love me!'
Singing so sadly, singing so long—
'Love me! oh, love me!
I would give true love, so deep, so strong,
To him who would give true love to me.'
Nought on the hill, and nought on the sea—
'Oh, love me! love me!'
'Love me! oh, love me!'
Singing so long, and singing so late—
'Love me! oh, love me!
My heart is lone, I weep while I wait.'
She looks to the sea, she looks to the hill,
But no one comes, and the night is still—
'Oh, love me! love me!'
Augusta Davies Webster