Sadiqullah Khan - Emotions (Post post modern poetry)

2014-11-10 2

A terrible evening that had my feet going underneath me I had to deliver a note all the way reaching there of urgent breaking speed signals I saw a girl I had seen once in a movie who rode a Latino car in the street my car refused to start up I asked few guys around to push us through the steep road I could not find a breathing place what happened next is strange memory my pouch that contained some valuables like my old sim card jacket and keys with some extra buttons of my jeans went with evening for the emptiness was too much to fill in the gaps a man came and said his prayers the moon was full and dancing with shadows that would need some classical poetry to say I was lead to the rest room on the way back it was all sickness I ended with a workshop to sit in for repair for three hours today I came after sleeping long and thinking the waste of time to put confusions here on the paper that looks like a screen hiding lots of emotions and many truths


Sadiqullah Khan