Bob Blackwell - ! ! ! Mountains Recalled

2014-11-10 24

Fluffy clouds fold over mountains,
their tops hidden and obscured.
Looking down folds of green
rush down to reach a stream, a
water flow that cascades and drops,
a sparkling torrent rushing down.

Quite brilliant on a hillside far away,
white rocks scattered here and there;
close by, wild flowers, coloured red,
yellow, blue, orchids pink and white.
Red plants with bright white seeds,
imitate a patch of snow that bleeds,
whilst red grasses manifest a blush.

Soil orange, red and mouldy grey,
stunted yellow grass on rocky crags,
boulders, giant rocks, mountain cliffs,
aged grey, brown, have orange flecks;
their weathered faces aged by time,
weary: countless memories to recall.

The stillness of the air feeds down,
the silence magical, no thoughts
expressed, scene now to beautiful
to grasp. Clouds have now expired,
our view is clear, mountains stretch
endlessly to the far point of the eye.

Breathe in take in gulps of hilly air,
refresh your mindscape once more,
take home this cool mountain scene,
to recall and free your mental eye
from life’s artificial pictures of want
and its many landscapes of desire.

Bob Blackwell


Bob Blackwell