Margaret Alice - 2010/03/27 Confidential

2014-11-10 0

Today my heroine had such a wonderful time
she refuses to start a new adventure tonight
she earned a break after serving all day as the
delighted protagonist of a love story that ended
in triumph in a tale much too Gothic to reveal to
earthly ears - although the spirit world

Apparently can read our thoughts, I hope they
forgave me the fireworks and storms, I hope
my guardian angels had the decency to with-
draw when thought-forms became too graphic
and detailed - psychics say people who
passed on linger around us

It is a worrying thought, do they respect my
privacy when I construct dramatic events in
my head or are they shocked by the wild and
wicked ways in which my characters behave
insisting on experimenting with all kinds of
practices to gain experience

I allow them freedom to try out anything they
heard or read about, afterwards they decide
what to add to their repertoire of enjoyable
events, seems like today’s rendezvous
is cherished by the dramatis personae
living in my mind, so please

I ask all disembodied consciousness, indulge my
little cast, it is wonderful to create a myriad plays
in the safety of my mind using fictitious persons
to determine the effect of interaction – do not
judge me by the actions of my group, I never
execute their fantasies, it is a lovely game

Of creating scripts for the private plays in the
confidential space offered by my thoughts…

Margaret Alice