My time has come
For me to leave this earth
To go and leave my family
So I could be 6 feet deep
No one cared
They didnt even notice
Im a depressed daughter
All alone tonight
I cry, and cry
Can't even stop
As im crying in my room
I wonder and look
Into my closet
Wondering if its time
Im hurt not loved
I listen and hear
My beloved family and friends
I cry more and more
Because im so scared
To lose them
But then I think of my pain
Listening to the
voices and whispers
Making me lose my mind
Gaining control of my mind, thoughts
Just wanting to kill myself
But will they care?
Because no one is even there
To catch me if I fall
And can't get back up
But in the end im depressed and lonely again
*no one would even care if i died...theyd just throw a big party*
SmashLey Sweetie Simons