Corey Threet - A random poem about my day in the life of my mind 2.8 (c) 3-18-2010

2014-11-10 7

It’s the return of the Jedi
The empire strikes but I bet I
Thwart all of his plans
And make demands
Confiscate his ruler ship
Seat myself onto the throne
Then I’ll start ruling this
But how, well,
I’ll send the sun fire of Helios
To kill the foes
And heal a dose of intellect
Just to pierce his soul
You see it only takes knowledge
That college and scholars
Won’t educate you on but now if
You dig deeper into my lyrical dens
It depends on if you know then my lyrics unbend
A straight shot into your brain and then
You notice that I’ve been away but I’m at it again
These rhymes just pop into my head
Never once have I planned em
Again this is a day in the life of my mind
But Em helped to re-understand em
Oh yeah and its at random

Corey Threet