Dr subhendu kar - ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ***BRAZEN CUP OF SORROW***! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

2014-11-10 3

Silence riffles as heart dapples grey
Warmth when loses gloss as lurid sunset
And night ruefully loses eyes of light
Does world cries by adieu of sun?

night gleans tears in frosty eyes
dew sobs deep on reef of darkness
Passion slumbers by slandered arm of tonight
Unto last dregs mist rused to clouds

Yet sun may rise in the east to west
Waking universe from pangs of shadow
Nature smiles by flames of delight
Do we ever know reason of reasons as betides?

Earthly dusts breath again by unison unearthly
rolling stream is limitless by brim of eternity
a mortal may be ephemeral by time and space
as emptiness of wine by a brazen cup of sorrow

And I do remember lofty days halcyon
being cradled on lap of innocence luminous yester
I am as I am- a manifestation of moments
Immortal grace of love as ethereal is yet untold

Dr subhendu kar


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