Margaret Alice - 2010/03/13 Ethereal Consciousness

2014-11-10 3

Alice was wandering forlornly through Dr
Anabela Cardoso’s laboratory when Time-
stream Station turned on and Konstantin
Raudive’s raucous voice announced jo-
vially that the demonic voice heard by
Mark Macy was in fact not him

But the voice of a harlequin posing as an
astral spirit, while he really was an inhabi-
tant of the ethereal realms, not dangerous
at all, merely making a call to find out
whether there was an entity out there
that would love him as much as

Christine loved the Phantom of the Opera
when she forgive him for threatening her
beloved Comte; Alice looked up, interes-
ted, and offered to talk to the poor ethe-
real consciousness who longed to find
out how it felt to be loved

Suddenly a frightful apparition stood in front
of Alice, but she shut her eyes and felt his
forlorn condition through extrasensory per-
ception, she took him by the hand and led
him to her Wonderland where complete
freedom and unconditional love

Filled the spirit of every visitor, the ethereal
apparition fell down, struck by the wonderful
atmosphere, declared he had never been a
happy consciousness and now his electronic
energy was filled with so much joy, he wanted
to have fun - and laugh and sing and run!

“Spirit Communication” Roy Stemman, Piatkus
2005, quoted from pages 117 & 118

“Alice in Wonderland” Lewis Carrol

“The Phantom of the Opera” Gaston Leroux

Margaret Alice

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