samantha cassidy - she calls his names in whispers

2014-11-10 1

In the town alone, he moves
he listens
his foot steps as quiet as rain drops
so beautiful but so pale

He moves like the wind
so quiet not to make a sound

He stops, listens but hears nothing

He stands in the path of the moon
huge, alone
the moon shows his
beautiful, pale face

He hears it
he hears his name
in whispers,

He listens carefully
and finds it

He follows the beautiful sound,
the name his name and his soul
his friend for life

She calls his name in whispers
so many times
its like a song for him

He walks faster,
until he starts to run

He runs like an angel,
a lost spirit

He stops one last time
and listens

he hears it again
not far away

he finds were,
the sound is coming from

he find her

They hold hands
and there bodies dance
around like spirits
they float
in the light of the moon

She whispers his name
so freely,
so gracefully,
so peaceful,
soft and calm

he closes his eyes
he goes
into a deep sleep
as if never to wake again

still hearing her whispers
he starts to cry

His tears
like rain drops
glistening, shining
like diamonds on his cheeks
so elagent,
and graceful it shines

So peaceful
all goes quiet
the whispering
the crying

Found the next
next to his love

he's gone
never to be whispered to

samantha cassidy

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