Elena Sandu - tiny words

2014-11-10 21

Who am I?
What I am?
..dont really know..
Today right now
I think I feel to be
nothingness or
just a minuscule
Almost invisible
in these immensities
can't see myself..
cannot find me..
but hey! ! guess what? !
other minuscule dot I hope
is out there thousands and
thousands of miles away
this dot, it seems to me,
think and wonders.
of my minuscule heart
my thought my doing
Woww! Awww..
Isn't that amazing? !
here I am!
no more lost

These dots:
are never meant to see
or touch..
each are soo far away..
too far
soo- close.. sometimes
they stretch a rope
from one to other
become more close
..by closing eyes..
dreaming of
touch smell taste
such a new feel
new spinning dance
new colours
amazingly the world around
becomes small
reduced to dots
and so
two, three, millions dots
tinny, little.. quietly
just for a second. right
in one..
they grow and grow
what do I see
one very very biig big heart..
these dots..might bring
some drops
of happiness or sadness
what are these dots?
maybe, no more than
tiny little words..

Elena Sandu
