Lonnie Hicks - Crossing Legs and Websites

2014-11-10 14

She sat across from me
and crossed her legs
looking away from me.
I nodded a tiny nod
and she
looked back at me
to see
if I was looking still
at her
as she then uncrossed her legs-
her gaze
sweeping across me-
but not pausing to really look
just enough to see if I was looking still
at everything she did.

I gave her that satisfaction
and smiled.
She smiled back
flirtation accomplished
compliment received
I told her in my mind's eye
'you are beautiful
and I like looking at you.'

Her head tilted upward slightly
message received
and her hand plunged into her purse
and she rose
to walk past me
her card
floating gently
into my outstretched hand
on it her website and her name.

Lonnie Hicks
