When I need you why arent you there..
I need to see you I need to talk to you..
When U want me I dont want to be there..
U think U can see me I dont want to see U..
When I try I feel no effort I feel alone..
U say im never home and I dont care..
Why cant we just see eye to eye..
We view eachother differently..
Are we living in a lie of hope for a future that use to be?
As I try and try again I feel like I fail..
As U say u try harder again and again..
Is there just no more hope there..
Has all past us by and disappered..
Is our want for eachother really there..
Is it just comfort to us to u or to me..
Dont u ever wonder why we say we love one another..
Yet im with someone else and u dont want to be with me..
Yet we talk about marriage kids and more..
How can this happen if we cant get through this and be..
Be together no matter what like love is suppose to be..
When I need u your no longer there and I dont think niether one of us even care
& when u need me I dont want to be there
Andrea Thanasas