Beautiful baby
Born to laugh
Smile and play
But pain
Swept into your world
Like a hurricane
How powerless
My father's soul
Unable to protect
Gladly would I
Have ripped out my very heart
To save you
I remember your infant eyes
Locked with mine
As they carried you away
But heroes came
With scalpels
And healing hands
Through long nights
Of chemical sickness
They cared for you
Prayers took root
And grew like wildflowers
Into a garden of life
You grew
And healed
Despite the odds
Then came the call
On Angel's wings
To fly you to a magic place
Castle doors opened for you
Smiles and gifts awaited you
In that land of wonder
It is a place
Built of dreams
Founded on love
Because of you
And all you overcame
I shared that dream with you
I will never forget
Your Princess eyes
Filled with delight and joy
How beautiful the hands
That give and serve
And build a gift so magical
Greeted by a whale
And her splashing tale
Dolphins feasting from your hand
Princesses in regal bliss
Stooped to bestow a royal kiss
And speak with hope filled words
Invited to dance and sing
To celebrate a Lion King
In your own joyous style
The magic donkey spoke
And shared a joke
That made you forever friends
You saw the world
And pyrotechnics swirled
To bring your magic journey to a close
Now we look back
And hold those images
Of magic in our hearts
The love and joy
We planted there
With tears of happiness
Will grow in time
In song and rhyme
Into a legendary tale
Walter Elias Disney