Margaret Alice - '2010/02/24 Celestial Beings

2014-11-10 0

Pleasure is but temporary escape
from the mind, the domain of the
young and the completely insane
cry when pleasure commences
and rejoice at the end

I seek joy in eternity, immutable
infinity, the physical only intrigues
as symbolic manifestation of invi-
sible intelligent energy creating
living images momentarily

The pleasure of creating visions and
dreams, transcending reality in the
fun of mind-mastery, using bodily
senses in amazing new ways,
universes splitting infinitely

A quantum physical delight in the con-
stant change of eternally dancing sub-
atomic particles keeping innumerable
parallel universes spinning

Then rousing pleasures of love become
a symbol of such creative invention and
love as physical sensation is elevated to
the realm of the sublime in the sphere of
the divine - and the domain

Of celestial beings…

Margaret Alice