So then, of the hundreds of religions
practiced...who is right?
All of them are right. It matters not
what religion one practices. If in ones heart
they truly believe in that religion,
then, it is the right religion. For them.
I believe that there is a supreme being
I believe that a supreme being is by-lingual,
multi-colored, of all ethnic races
and accepts, and blesses, all who practice
religion. It matters not the name or faith.
If a man worships a rock, or tree, or any
idol or any kind-and believes in them, then
I say to you, Their religion, is the true
and right religion...for them.
It can not be, that one religion is the true
way to worship. For that would mean that
billions of others who do not practice that
religion...are wrong.
© Joe Fazio
(brief renderings) Joe Fazio