I didn't know today, you would not
be here tomorrow.
I didn't know, I would never again hear
you speak my name, or say, 'I love you'.
I didn't know we would never again
make love. Never again, feel as one.
Never again experience that total
feeling of love and being loved.
I didn't know, that most of me, would
go where you have gone. That most
of who I am, would disappear into
that eternal dark and endless abyss.
I didn't know...without you, without us...
there would be no me.
I didn't know, how the cruel silence
of our empty house, would make me
weep, at the mere thought of you.
I didn't know how dark the days would
become and how empty and lonely
the nights would be.
I didn't know, the joy, in the music of
life, would forever cease.
I didn't know all our well meaning friends,
would all paraphrase the same words:
'Life goes on. You must go on.'
I didn't know how....If could go on.
If I wanted to go on.
For without you, life was not life,
but merely existence.
I do know this. For me...never, for
all eternity, will there ever be another you.
There are days, I ache so much for you,
I find it almost impossible to breath.
I send you my heart and my soul, for without
you, they are but empty vessels.
Where ever you are...you know...I love you
now...and I always will.
© Joe Fazio
(brief renderings) Joe Fazio