stephen stirk - The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

2014-11-10 399

A thug I am, to other men
My fists are not ignored
Till other thugs said “try a pen”
It’s mightier than the sword

Education has no place
And I can’t even write
I thought I’d try it just in case
When I had my next fight

Next time I was in the town
A fellow thug stood guard
Told me that my pants were brown
And that I wasn’t hard

I challenged him, (the size of ten)
He wasn’t overawed
As I produced a biro pen
And him, a five foot sword

With vicious swings and grizzly laugh
He furthered his assaults
I told him “start new paragraph”
And underlined his faults

I’ll cut your torso all apart
“You scare me not” I fibbed
His mighty blade had stabbed my heart
But his, I merely ‘nibbed’

He left me in a pool of blood
My arms were sliced and pink
I defended when I could
And squirted him with ink

I quickly wrote just two words down
‘Uneducated fart’
And watched as he fell to the ground
Such pain within his heart

The pen is mightier than the sword
This victory I have claimed
My words have given just reward
He’s dead – I’m only maimed.

stephen stirk