Be not depressed. Depression, is the thief of happiness.
Like all thieves', he must be combated and defeated.
Like all thieves', depression must be fought with great
vigor and resolve.
Depression, the dark cloak of reason, that blocks most
rational thought and any chance of happiness.
Depression, an emotional straight jacket, confining the
depressed to an infusion of negativity and haplessness.
Depression, withdrawal of social interaction and an
elongated state of sadness.
Depression, a disease that like a cancer, eats away
at your very being.
Depression, a desperate battle between living...and
merely existing.
Depression, an enemy, that one must seek help
to do battle with.
Do not stand ideally by, for depression, will steal your
very soul.
The enemies of depression, are social interaction, happiness, love, understanding and seeking medication or help in some form. DO IT!
© Joe Fazio
(brief renderings) Joe Fazio