Patti Masterman - By the wall, by the tree

2014-11-10 1

By the wall, by the tree,
A frail flower grew:
It reached it's small buds
Toward the sun, for it knew
The sun was it's father,
And earth was it's mother;
For everything born here
Must come out of two.

By the spring, by the creek,
A tall tree stood strong:
It held up it's arms toward the sky,
Like a song;
No weather could dampen
It's green growing heart;
It never felt fear,
For it knew life is long.

By the flower, by the tree,
A young child rose up:
He climbed with his face to the sky,
Like a cup;
He drank from the sun and the earth
And the spring;
For when he grew older
His heart too, must sing.

Patti Masterman