2014-11-10 1

Only bread and only wine
Yet by faith a blessed bond
Between the Human and Divine
We give you thanks oh Lord.
This is a Table of Communion
It is not the Table of the Church
It is holy - the Table of the Lord.
Each week it is made ready
For those who love the Lord - and
For those who want to love Him more.

So come - You who have much faith
And those who are still seeking
So come - You who come here often
And those who seldom come.
So come - You who try to follow
And those who have tried and failed
So come you who hunger and thirst
For a deeper faith and a better life
For afairer world and better understanding.

It is the Lord's will - for those.....
Who want to meet Him - That they shoud..........
Come to this Table - THE LORD'S TABLE.
Only bread and only wine
Yet by Faith a blessed bond
Of the human and Divine
We give you thanks oh Lord.

The Communion Service is a sacrament, both in its significance and in its implementation, which really does bring Believers into a closer relationship with GOD. Those who are Believers should always avial themselves of this Divine Provision for his Universal Church.

(John Knight - Windy Colchester - 6 February 2010)

John Knight