Between the Sheets
Writing words is usually fairly easy for me,
It always seems, I have something to say,
the final arrangement, however can be,
rather difficult, in almost every conceivable way
a little tweak here, a major change there,
finding the precise way, is a real big thing,
using the right word, or maybe it takes a pair,
to properly explain, just what it is you mean
So sometimes what you see, is not what was meant,
the entire subject, might just completely change,
sometimes I come here, just so I can vent,
and other times, I don't know, just seems strange
sometimes, you can get your message quite clear,
in only a few, well measured lines,
yet other times it can take volumes my dear,
your thoughts can get so tangled in vines
there are times, when you need to read between the lines,
the real meaning, is hidden in there,
others, you'll have to read between the sheets,
but only if you actually care
Gomer LePoet...
Gomer LePoet