Kind words have got no parallel
They play good role and excel
They are very vital in any field
They exert influence and results yield
What a beautiful response you get?
Bitterness disappear and soon to forget
Opening of new relation with warmth
No scuffle, no bad feeling aftermath
In day to day life it has lot more to do
It makes your way smooth to get through
You face no hurdle and it is easy going
Everything is perfect with smooth sailing
It enhances your status and personality
You are in position to prove your ability
You can easily draw adversary to your side
As you have greater insight with angle wide
It has got soothing effect if two good words are spoken
Dead lock is finished and long silence is broken
It costs nothing extra if one uses cautious mild words
It is leaving behind very good impression after words
It has got wide recognition and realized too
Some solid force is behind and it is also true
It has wide impact and leaves behind good will
It holds its ground making everybody to feel
Eco balance of mind disturbed with slight bitterness
It gets inflamed with unpleasant frankness
Bold words may sometimes have undesirable effect
Person may bear ill will in mind and surely act
It is advisable not to act in haste and use words
It inflames the mind and doesn’t allow us to absorb
Surely it is unproductive to feel ill treated
The behavior and response counts how it is meted
hasmukh amathalal