cheung shun sang - ........................A sexual cauchy3

2014-11-10 14

Sexual cauchy3….
Dills in docks are dines and grooved.

Flowers beds are dirty roads.

Break my dirty hustling boo.

Easy riders choir to soak.

COOZES burgess hairs are wet.

French are good as queen to end.

Testing eves are Adam acts.

Feel up nouns are verbs in tracks.

Filch our slaves by queens in towns.

Fences to paint will pay me bucks.

Fences to paint will play by own.

Swear to sexes to say my uncle.

Frogs with salads pressed her hams.

Doormat fronts are teased and rammed.

Loving holisms get the homes.

Kissing rounds her worlds are whole.

Three about rhythm are synch.

Snows and balls are back of eyes.

Meteor send will face our times.

Getting downs our times are vim.

Back as eyeing emperors rolled.

Bulls to dag are good as oils.

Tony awarded will cross her faces.

Bulls to dag are go at Aces.

Glues with pots have cauchy3 with sports.

Goalie glad on all are got.

Lover nuts will need a toad.

Going all my ways are goals.

Goalie glad are good at gins.

Hoonah lights are all so IN.

Hoonah lights will show my all.

HOOCHY KOOCHY put me tall.

---Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3---

cheung shun sang