Those bad memories remain and don’t vanish
Whatever they might have done to tarnish
Still they pinch and remain close to chest
To forget them easily even trying very best
It is not that they were in control and mighty
Enough sources to bring us down and feel pity
It was their constant drive to keep us at the bay
We too were waiting for golden chance to repay
It is natural that repeats at regular interval
Ups go down and down with show dismal
Never to regain old glory and strong position
God has arranged such beautiful composition
Had it not been easy to forget or last?
Life would have ended miserable and very fast
Doubts might have ruled the mind and cast
Engulfed with revengeful ideas to blast
Person shouldn’t think of what actually went wrong
Why did he not get love and wasn’t lucky among
Was he destined to rise later with new scales?
No danger to self even if he was swimming with whales
Try to reason out factor that guided you
Nothing went wrong as you had blessings from thou
He can be invisible but never a different to all
Guides you to destiny if you give him sincere call
Memories are meant to be with us and will remain
They should be confined but not allowed to gain
They should be brought on surface when we look back
It is part of golden domain with a beautiful pack
Some are carried away little emergence
Start weeping among friend’s presence
It gives them relief as they always dominated
They may never know why it never got eliminated
It may go off with one’s exit from this beautiful world
He may feel its warmth even in shivering cold
You may slip into memory and unable to hold
It is treasure and stored in memory as pure gold
hasmukh amathalal