Francis Duggan - Soulmates As True Soulmates

2014-11-10 14

If you have found your soulmate on your journey through life
In a partner or husband or lover or wife
Then you are quite lucky as lucky can be
Since soulmates are rare with that would you agree?
Many people their soulmate they never do find
So hard to meet one to us who is of similar kind
With similar interests and who think in much the same way
Soulmates as true soulmates for their lifetime do stay
The relationship with those of dissimilar interests as true love does not last
Like an Autumn rose it does wither quite fast
Infatuation as such it is quick to decay
That is why we have more marriage and relationships break ups every day
If you meet your soulmate you're one of the real lucky few
And in that I'm not saying anything that is new.

Francis Duggan