O, tears, you are almost there
Move from within to situation no where
Your impact may be here and elsewhere
No one may conceal or simply dare
Distant itch when you give call
Sobbing voice when you fall
Reddishness appearance in eye ball
Structures disappear like mud wall
So much appeal when some one tears
Agony and pain in heart lonely bears
What to say when body shakes in fear?
Days may seem longer than years
Is it not strange way to shed always?
In happiness too it finds easy way
Gush out from eyes and express
Rush to meet dear ones and embrace
Success makes body to shiver and shake
You may gather the friends and cut the cake
Final joy may erupt on your face
Water in eyes reflect and finally race
In pain nothing stops from coming out
Altogether different scene when facing rout
Humiliation and dishonor swollen the eyes
Emotions run high when bidding farewell or byes
In every occasion you are almost there
No one knows you rush from where?
Your presence is like Omni present
It will lack charm when you are absent
Sometime you make life miserable
Even you create it funny and laughable
Life may not be easy and containable
Your role is always positive and laudable
It is dangerous if stopped and concealed
Wounds may aggravate if properly not healed
Let it flow or come out in spontaneous way
Whole anguish and pain may simply swept away
I wish them to play a dominant role
Stay in our life as South or North Pole
It may be inadvertent to assess them wrong
They are dominant in life all along
hasmukh amathalal