Alf Hutchison - CHRISTMAS MORN

2014-11-10 26

Angels flew about that night,
Beneath that star shining bright,
Beckoning Shepherds “your Saviors here”
“Go in haste and do not fear”,
So they fled into the still black night,
With a star alone to give them light.
Guiding them to that blessed cave,
Honored by man He’d come to save.
It was upon this hallowed morn,
To a virgin, Jesus Christ was born,
Whilst Jesus lay on a bed of straw,
Shepherds gazed on him in awe,
God had chosen humble men to see,
The incarnate Son of the Trinity;
God incarnate born forth to man,
The start of His redemption plan.
So when you kneel on Christmas day,
Close your eyes and to God you pray,
Thank Him for His gift of Grace,
Born to be sacrificed in your place.

Alf Hutchison Christmas 2009

Alf Hutchison