dinesh mukherjee a poet occasional(hardly a poet) - one bow one arrow

2014-11-10 3

Oh! Grandpa are you sitting here again
in care her reciting voice
no just I will give one shot
and play with you, you see here
how many poem ponder in the face of PH!

no, grandpa, you should not play with the ones you loved
smiling wrinckle face delighted,
yes, with whom we loved we must not play
but, we make them strong in their own way
and bring out all in them not to fade!

the only shot are you fine
sitting before the montior spoil your health
take diet may your face fade and may
your anger trigger many a shots
yet your strength is required to play a more
and wait till red had on your way
as the old pricks may not cuddle you
and the hung in shape may not satiae yur hunger
and the ere white pure gold may suffocate you
take care of your health and yonder
yacht is there to carry you sail the ship
where many bows are to be played in wonder
and the target is the one how can you?

Do yu want more targets?
give the mark less than zero
and make your pen mighty in write
run out not stay here oh dear
stay here and wonder yourself
the aged man cannot run as fast as you

Oh! my child I think we can move now
when we find time we open
and see many poems in several names
for them all is one in the face of ph!

dinesh mukherjee a poet occasional(hardly a poet)
