Kylee Bartz - I am not crazy!

2014-11-10 13

So what if I see things?
These hallucinations as you call them,
How are they a big deal?

Maybe it is for real.
And I might be right this time.
Maybe, this is actually happening.

I hope these talking ducks will let me out.
I don't like these ducks.
They wear ugly white coats.
And they try to find out what is wrong with me.

Maybe the world will end today.
Or tomorrow.
And Maybe you will all see that I am not crazy.

I swear I was abducted by aliens the other day.
They had little orange polka-dots.
And they tried to eat my brain.

Maybe I will find a way out of this asylum.
Then I can live a normal life.
A life without any ducks in white coats.

Because I am not insane,
I do not have mental problems,
I have not lost my mind.

So what if i am weird sometimes?
Aren't we all weird,
Inside somewhere?

I might even be more weird than most people are.
But I can assure you,
I am not the least bit crazy!

I am not crazy.
Especially when I am writing.
I get lost in my own world.
A world where everybody is as unique as I am.

So maybe I do imagine things.
Like getting turned into a rhinoceros.
Or flying in the sky.

But am I all that crazy?
No. I am not.

Why not have a little bit of fun?
After all, we are flowers.
How quickly we can fade away.

And eventually, all of our perkiness is gone.
This is true for everybody.
So really, I assure you,
I am perfectly sane.

But I have one question.
When can I leave this asylum?

Kylee Bartz