They say it is the land of promise..Mindanao
The land of beautiful people
The land of dreams, hope and faith
Now it 's gone..the promise..
Now it's war torn, of children crying
orphaned, untimely deaths..of bloodshed
What can i do to help?
what can we share to lessen the hurts?
Who can help us in this strife?
My heart bleeds for them..
I came from this place of promise
And's gone..gone..
If only we bow down and humble ourselves
Humble ourselves and pray
God in His goodness and loving care
Will listen to our cries and will HEAL OUR LAND
And my prayers will be
Let there be peace in Mindanao
Let there be joy in our hearts
Let the children play
Let there be freedom, voice to be heard
Let there be peace from within.
Meggie Gultiano