You’re never too old to pop plastic bubbles
Never too old to have a twinkle in your eye
Never too old to stir up some trouble
Never too old til the day that you die
You’re never to old to sneak a few cookies
Never too old to give someone the ‘eye’
Never too old to like ‘Star Wars and Wookies’
Never too old til the day that you die
You’re never too old to enjoy a good dirty joke
Never too old to still wish you could fly
Never too old to think you could croak
Never too old til the day that you die
You’re never too old to splash thru a puddle
Never too old to watch a fire truck scream by
Never to old for tag football and to huddle
Never too old til the day that you die
You’re never too old to get a bean stuck in your nose
Never too old to like a big slice of pizza pie
Never too old to toss away your support hose
Never too old til the day that you die
You’re never to old to be young at heart
And if you ever let that thought enter your head
if you ever start thinking that way you ol’ f*#t
You’re not young at heart…you’re just dead
In another poem I said “sing a little song,
And “Do a little dance, ” was another part.
To “Spritch a little seltzer down your pants” is never wrong
You’re never too old to be young at heart
David Whalen