Almedia Knight Oliver - Oh, How The time Slips Away

2014-11-10 6

There was grey in my hair, when we met.
Young men or nor men -no longer catch
Their breath when passing.
Yet by happenstance we meet.
Laying bare heart and soul,
You seem to betray both.
I, being fully dressed in personal
Accomplishments, and I having
Been ill and frazzled by a disease
Had only love to ease.

And you “love “ quarreled
With me days and nights…
Monopolized my days and
Nightmares my nights;
Time and space defeated both.

I continue loving kindly and softly,
Even as a hail of words of your late wife’s
Feats troubled my heart to beat.
Favoring another can render me
Classless and defeated.
[but I create my
Class and am not easy to defeat! ]

Enough, enough, enough:

“Come forth words”
I’m poetess enough to call muse:
Take my heart, break
It into small pieces, and
Cast them to the wind.
Bit by bit they crystallize
Shaped like a star
I’ll order to shine
Wherever you are.
I fret, tears fall
Now, you make sweet!
Your flower, and
Your angel when I die.
Love needs to be with you
Will you be with love?

Things seem to slip
Through hands and
Blend with winds.
When love comes
Try holding on….

May 11,2006

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Almedia Knight Oliver

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