Ivan Donn Carswell - After The Recession

2014-11-10 4

The bitchin’ never stops does it...!
If it’s not for becoming a Republic or
Remembrance to be preferred over
ANZAC Day its speakers stirring
about ‘refugees’ aka ‘boat people
expediently deemed ‘asylum seekers

And then there’s a lobby to suspend
fiscal stimulation immediately with an
equally vehement counter-claim that
to do so will kill the economy despite
it being pretty much back on its feet
and nearly in the black again

Concerns regarding carbon tax and
global warming echo insanely in a
chamber of confused debate fuelled
by entrepreneurs straining to abet
a sure way to make money out of
the most catastrophic event yet

If I wasn’t such a sceptic with less
than profound views of essentially
septic scenes of commonplace I’d say
we are back where we were before,
on track, and that rabid self-interest
rules supreme once more
© 6 November 2009, I. D. Carswell

Ivan Donn Carswell
