Dónall Dempsey - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' WE DARED TO INTERUPT THE SEA(for Ruthie)

2014-11-10 6

We dared
to interupt

the sea

like a muscleman
throwing shapes

showing off
a wave to great advantage

as if it were
the Arnie of water.

Throwing itself over
the gaily coloured

protective railings

making waves
that splashed with laughter

wetting the hems
of little old ladies

out for a stroll
making them go

'Oh! ' & 'Ah! '
& 'Ohhhhhh! '

We dared
to interupt

the sea
and so it was pleased

to pose
for us

gave us
a wave

as it stepped inside
the photograph

reared itself up into
it's awful awesome

'Is this my best side? '

'Click! '
we said

and then
'Click! '

taking the sea home
in our camera.

Dónall Dempsey
