Sandra Martyres - Business is Business

2014-11-10 2

A long colourful serpentine queue
Of sincere and faithful devotees
Glides up the hill at snail’s pace
To spend a few precious moments
Paying homage to a miraculous deity
Lodged in the small temple
Atop a once beautiful hillock
Now shorn of its verdant beauty
Thanks to the trampling by
The many overzealous pilgrims
Anxiously trying to reach the top
By avoiding the beaten track

The base of the hill is home to
Enterprising hawkers and money makers
Always on the prowl to make a quick buck
They sell flowers, coconuts and other items
To be offered in the temple
Some even dare to advise the pilgrims
About the Goddess’ preferences
While the devotees display of faith is touching
The business acumen of the hawkers
Rises to another level altogether
For them 'Business is business'
Irrespective of the place or situation

Sandra Martyres