'Antiscipation' isn't that a Carly Simon song?
It needs to resolve itself into an answer... 'NOW'...
And as surely as it comes around......
'Tomorrow' 'twil hide 'neath a: 'Broken Bough';
From a barren-half-broken down Oak Tree-
Somewhat ravaged by the ICE-chill of 'Fall' air......
It hides 'Tomorrow' from 'Todays' 'Glaring Vulture Eyes'-
They're waiting, they're waiting: 'on things that they think:
'Death Might Share'............
'Antiscipation' it does more than frustrate their minds...
As a falling 'Leaf'-borne upon the dying Earthen Ground-
'Tis 'Yesterday' it speaks, in weak graven tones-
And 'Tomorrow' 'tis the: 'Shadows of Yesterdays Found'
.The Essence
.November 13,2009
Theodora (Theo) Onken