Rajaram Ramachandran - ##17 (Vivekananda) Service to the Humanity

2014-11-10 3

Narendra’s poverty at home
Did not, in fact, affect him,
Rather it turned his heart
Still more kind and soft.

This personal experience
Gave him a chance
To know the pitiable
Plight of the poor people.

The poverty inspired him,
In a way, to help them,
And to serve the needy,
He was always ready.

His Guru advised always,
“The Lord loves those,
Who serve all living beings
Including His devotees.”

“God’s name one should love.
Mankind one should serve.
Serving is better than
Showing mere compassion”

“Love is not possible unless
One sees God in others.
Thus, an enlightened person
Can commune with Brahman.”

Hearing this, Narendra said,
“It’s my duty to spread
This truth world over,
In every nook and corner.”

“A religion extends a vision,
To teach man live like a man,
And it should break the barriers
Of all castes, creeds and races.”

Guru taught him always,
The unity of existence,
The harmony of religions
And the divinity of souls.

About the duality
Or the non-duality
Of God’s existence
He told them like this:

“Opinions may differ.
The ways may differ.
But they all finally lead
To one and the same God.”

Rajaram Ramachandran
