Completely ludicrous......
Mountain aquifer the source for us to feed
and we are the author of greed
let the amnesty cry, yet
we are the master of greed....
The blocked resources are our weapon`s at sigh
and disturb the peace at Gaza is way of our life
beyond the seas and at faraway skies
let us bury the peace ever to dry.....
Let the wandering mother for scanty water
between the rubbles find thin flow of life
carrying the filled container in denied legal rights
aquifer first was discovered and got polite words
'Completely Ludicrous'.....
let the famous words spread on earth
where Nature too completely ludicruous.....
(These are the words used by Israli Govt. spoke person Mark Regev called Amnesty claim as Completely Ludicrous for depriving palestenian from water)
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