One day the rain will be gone..
The dark gray clouds no more..
I will be free from my thoughts..
I will be able to see the beauty in the earth we take for granted...
When the rain clears the sun will shine upon me..
I will know i have been forgiven..
I will be able to love again...
No more a lost or lonely soul..
No longer closed off from the outside world..
No i will grow my wings and fly like a bird
When i am freed..
I will fly far away..
While the sun shines upon me
and i know he is there watching over me...
I will know i am loved again..
I will fly over the ocean and the seas..
Smiling back at the sun my lover for he has always shined upon me...
When the rain clears i will be freed from my cage no longer a songbird trapped but a song bird free to sing
To show the world her beauty..
But only after the rain clears...
Only if..i wish it will clear soon for my patience is running low..
I want to be free.
Jenna Marie