One little life, sent to change all lives.
One child of love and peace.
One holy blessing sent from God,
His wonders to increase.
One precious gift of a gentle Babe,
One marvel to the earth.
One dear voice to teach us how to know,
the reasons for his birth.
One star that shone with brilliant light,
One manger for his bed.
One Mother Mary so full of joy,
within loaned cattle shed.
One tiny soul came to save us all,
One dear Redeemer’s Son,
One man who walked, talked and healed,
His glory had begun.
One message from out our Master’s book
One lesson to be read.
One book of laws, shows the way to good,
to feast on Heaven’s bread.
One Christmas Day, one wondrous day.
One great event in time.
One treasure that we’ll never forget,
the Lord Jesus sublime.
© Ernestine Northover
Ernestine Northover