hasmukh amathalal - Open Page

2014-11-10 7

We inscribed on page
Freed lion from cage
Many may be burning with rage
Escape from it called freedom from bondage

We can represent to world our own version
To walk with new and get familiar with conversion
May not be out rightly rejected or with negation
Old thoughts woven with new transformation

Strong will power to reach the shore
Emerging strong and ill will bore
To shun the violence with peaceful message
Carving out path with smooth passage

In our own sphere we grow,
Hard work and dream for bright tomorrow
Success grants us fame and fine glow
We can surely then whistle the blow

It is glorious moment
What we attempt is beginning or movement
It may yield or may not
Certainly we win as battle is fought

We may excel in every field
Never surrender or yield
Try to pick the scattered thread
Always provide guidance and lead

I may earn acclaim but loose the battle
Life may be in jeopardy and not settle
What do I try for and make the gain?
Whole world at feet but I lay simply slained

hasmukh amathalal
