SUN our providence
from its nuclear fusion
energy for free!
MERCURY nearest Sun
name for a liquid metal
too hot for comfort.
VENUS love planet
bonding Mercury and Earth
too hot to handle.
EARTH unique planet
place of intelligent life?
no real evidence.
MARS the God of War
hope for colonization
drinking at Mars Bars!
SATURN coquettish
rings on her fingers and toes
man's favorite planet!
URANUS mystery
lends name to uranium
NEPTUNE cold distant
it has no liquid water
why then the Sea God?
JUPITER powerful
God of the Solar System
please show Him respect.
PLUTO demoted
cartoon character for kids
now showing on Sky.
MILKY WAY starship
hostel for Solar System
high calorie snack!
I love a collection of Haikus on a related subject,
this is called a HAIKULT. I have tried to use the
classic 5 - 7 - 5 syllable pattern for each PLANET.
I would be pleased to receive alternatives!
(John Knight - Colchester - November 2009)
John Knight