David Harris - Oh Mummy, Oh Mummy

2014-11-10 71

Oh Mummy, oh Mummy
where are you?
You were in your sarcophagus yesterday
but now you are gone.
Oh Mummy, oh Mummy
where may you be?
Has someone in the night
come in and stolen thee?
Oh Mummy, oh Mummy
I know you are two thousand years old
and just a box of bandages,
but about you, I care so.
I found you in that pyramid
amongst all your treasures
for the after life.
Oh Mummy, oh Mummy
there you are hiding away from me.
Hey, what are you doing?
Oooh Mummy stop doing that,
you are two thousand years old
and I am only twenty-three.
Oooh Mummy. Oooh Mummy
don’t stop now.
Oooh Mummy you are a sexy beast.

4 November 2009

David Harris
