Sitting under some Mdoni trees awaiting lunch when,
Out of the corner of my eye
I saw two elderly Ladies approach
Who glanced around……paused, and sat nearby…..
They were no longer lithe, straight or supple
And, sitting, fearing a fall perhaps, was careful
But, being true Ladies…..artful and sublime
sitting was feminine, sure and graceful
As they talked their eyes grew bright!
At times they would giggle…. Like young girls
In conspiratorial delight
They bore grace and elegance once associated with generations gone…
The more they smiled the more their youthful beauty shone
That youthful splendor became a glow!
and in their faces warmly grew
An echo back to their Halcyon days
In a world of refinement that flourished strong and true
Mick Lines
31st October 2009
Mick Lines