My little blue angel
He always watched over me
Right through my childhood
He kept me out of trouble
I always knew what to do
And when to do it
I was the envy of the class
With seemingly little effort
On my own part
I touched everyone’s heart
My parents told me
Never to fear the truth
As my little blue angel
Always knew what
I had or should have done
Sometimes it was not fun
It made other kids angry
For them I was a spoilsport
But even that did not deter me
From following him faithfully
Now I need to tell you
Who the little angel was
He was my baby brother
Who always smiled at me
His elder sister ever so lovingly
Until the day I saw Daddy
Take him away in a little box
And Mummy tearfully explained
That he had gone to heaven
As a little blue Angel to love and protect me.
(This story was told to me by a young girl)
Sandra Martyres