Science (Knowledge) Mathematics (Understanding)
Languages - Technology - Music and Art
Geography - History and Sociopsychology!
For more than 65 years I have studied........
All these subjects to enable me to find answers.........
About the 'Meaning of Life' and 'The Nature of Man'.
It has been the process of teaching these subjects
And in basic research that some answers have come!
Knowledge - Teaching and Research have caused me to
Lift my head out of the blinkering - blinding sand
To seek a symbiosis between Fact and my Faith
Raised in a 'spiritual' environment - my Faith is firm!
Beauty - Purpose - Order - Design are evidence
Of a God - of an intelligent Creator.
Science and Religion are complimentary
Two exceptional universal explanations.
The one based on physical evidence - and the other
On Faith - Divine Revelation and Holy Scriptures.
As a Scientist I have researched - Biosynthesis
The structure of rocks and minerals and water
All Natures Cycles which keep the essential elements
In circulation and purify water and the air.
The heterogenity of our dynamic atmosphere
Is daily maintained by abundant Solar Energy.
In our Galaxy - The Milky Way - Planet Earth
Is perfectly located to be a 'Living Planet'.
This precise position - which affects average temperature
The liquid state of water - the gaseous state of the atmosphere
Together with the composition of the atmosphere
And the relative abundance of the ninety-two
Naturally occuring elements - maintains the Biosphere.
Science defines its parameters - Faith its purpose!
Poets can speculate
Scientists can formulate
Theists can evaluate.
Only through an amalgam
Of these three philosophies
Can mankind achieve
'A knowledge of the Truth'.
John Knight